Simavi and Avance, two NGO’s from the Netherlands, have developed a workshop on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME clinic). The workshops are created for their partners in other countries that are working on the field on different projects. They are meant to help with the process of starting up (planning) projects, and monitoring them during the process. Afterwards, they need to be evaluated and the lessons learned need to be passed on to other projects.

The workshops needed to be introduced in a playful and enticing way. Since they are used all over the world, I made four stop motion films, with little lucky dolls that have no clear identity, so the workshop participants could all more or less identify with them.

One of the dolls comes up with a plan (I want to get some peace and quiet) and starts planning a trip. On their trip, they face obstancles that they need to deal with. Once they reached their goal, they look back on how it all went and when they return, they help others going to the top.





The video’s are made with the help of Amis Boersma, who developed the workshops.

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